
Nearby Communities:
Woodville: 27 miles
Huntsville: 30 miles
Conroe: 43 miles
Lufkin: 45 Miles
Kingwood/Humble: 50 miles
The Woodlands: 60 miles​
Houston: 75
Dallas: 214
Polk County at a Glance
(2020 Census Data)
County Pop: 50,123
Square Miles In County: 1,110
City of Livingston: 5,640
City of Onalaska: 3,253
City of Corrigan: 1,665
City of Goodrich: 345
City of Seven Lakes: 153
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas: 680

Polk County, Texas—
Historic, Growing, Proud!
As one of the original 23 counties formed by the first Texas Legislature in 1846, Polk County is 170 years old and is poised for growth. With the most abundant water supply in the State of Texas, an available labor pool of over 200,000 within 50 miles, and a significant population of early retirees, the resources are plentiful.
Interstate Crossroad
The county sits at the crossroads of two planned Interstate highways, 69 and 14. Livingston, the county seat, is about an hour from Bush Intercontinental Airport of Houston (IAH) and the Port of Houston via U.S. Highway 59/ Interstate 69. U.S. Highway 190, running east/west through the county, is slated to become Interstate 14, connecting major military bases across the southern U.S.
Education Opportunities
Five independent school districts are gaining prominence in academics, sports, and the arts, Livingston is home to a satellite Angelina College campus that offers a broad curriculum of business and certification classes, along with continuing education. Sam Houston State (Huntsville) and Stephen F. Austin (Nacogdoches) are within an hour's drive, and Texas A&M, University of Houston, Rice University, Texas Southern, and multiple community college systems are just 90 minutes away.
Rural Lifestyle
Polk County, in deep east Texas, is an authentic community where neighbors know each other as they work, play, celebrate, and cry together. We breathe deeply and have room to move, with the conveniences of the Houston metropolitan area just an hour away. Residents and businesses enjoy the safety and serenity of rural east Texas and a cost of living significantly below the U.S. and State of Texas averages.
Active Business Community
With over 300 members, the Livingston/Polk County Chamber of Commerce connects its members to each other and to the community. A variety of programs and events assist in non-profit fundraising and help businesses grow and develop through workshops and marketing opportunities.
Lake Livingston
Our beautiful, 93,000-acre Lake Livingston is a major contributor to the growth and lifestyle in Polk County. While it furnishes Houston's water, the lake attracts international campers, boaters, paddlers, birders, and of course, fishing enthusiasts.
Photo Credits
We'd like to thank the following people and organizations for providing photography for this site:
City of Onalaska
Livingston Main Street
Corrigan Heritage Society
Ruby Cattle Company
Victor L Jones
Beth S Miller
Sydney B Murphy