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Industries Sustaining Polk County


Timber Industry Creating Opportunity


Polk County Texas has long been the number one timber producing county in Texas. Early Polk County residents took full advantage of the bountiful timber resources in the area. Innovations in wood and wood products are driving new economic development in the timber industry.  Today, a new timber processing plant is under construction in Polk County carry this vital industry into our future.

Lake Livingston State Park.png

Tourism & Hospitality Offers Growing Potential


We're only beginning to take full advantage of the business potential of the recreational opportunities right here in our own backyard.  Lake Livingston, Texas' second largest lake, is almost a hidden gem, just 60 miles north of Houston in the Piney Woods of east Texas With 450 miles of shoreline surrounded by surprisingly hilly forest, Lake Livingston in Polk County can keep a vacationer or weekender as busy or as relaxed as they want to be. International birders are discovering the array of birds that live and migrate through our piece of country. Half triathlons, rodeos, along with baseball and fishing tournaments, have created opportunities for more lodging, retail, and dining and. Polk County abounds in hospitality opportunities.


Healthcare Expands to Support Growing Population 


All growing communities require good healthcare, and  CHI St. Luke’s Health Memorial Livingston is expanding to meet the needs of a growing population of families and retirees. The hospital provides 24x7 emergency, critical care, and full hospital services and will soon complete a $10m expansion of its Level IV emergency center. The community is also supported by multiple assisted living centers, family and special practice physicians, and urgent care and treatment facilities. The Angelina College satellite has added nursing and other healthcare-related programs to support the expansion. As Polk County grows, healthcare is expected to be a major supporting industry, creating job opportunities for medical professionals and service staff.


Ranching & Farming Remains Strong


Over 40 percent of Polk County is considered prime farmland, with rich, loamy soil, many rivers and creeks, and Lake Livingston offering abundant water. While the timber industry has outpaced farming in the county, ranches have expanded. The rolling hills and wooded areas create prime grazing land for cattle, goats, and some exotics. Texas Agri-Life is a major part of life in Polk County, with heavy participation from students across the county in Future Farmers of America and the 4H Club.

Largest Employers

  • City and County government

  • State and local law enforcement

  • Independent School Districts

  • Healthcare and Rehabilitation

  • Banks



707 N. Tyler Avenue, Suite 221

PO Box 2291

Livingston, TX 77351

(936) 327-5000

© 2023 Polk County Economic Development Corp.

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